Dynamique des plantations privées de teck (Tectona grandis L.F.) dans le département de l’Atlantique (sud Bénin): Cas de la Commune de Tori Bossito
This study concentrates on the dynamics of private teak plantations in the township of Tori-Bossito, which is located in the department of the Atlantic in the south of Benin. It aims at evaluating the dendrometric parameters and the silvicultural performances of these private teak plantations according to the different stations or plant communities, the ages and the number of sprouts per stump, and then to formulate development and sustainable management strategies. To achieve these objectives, a split plot with two factors (the age of stems and number of stems per stump) and of three replicates was implanted in four plantations sampled on the most extensive plant communities. Four treatments of many releases were retained and 72 circular plots were installed on the whole. The results show that on the three plant communities studied, the phytocénoses Dichapetalum madagascariense and Cnestis ferruginea is the most productive. In addition, the performances of private teak forestry plantation decrease according to age. Finally, private teak plantations treated in copse with two sprouts per stump are more productive and can be recommended to growers
Private teak plantations dynamics, Tectona grandis, Phytocenosis, Silvicultural performance, Tori-Bossito
DOI: 10.26265/e-jst.v8i4.839
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