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Μαρία Βίλλη, Αικατερίνη Γαλάνη, Νατάσα Μπογιατζόγλου


Child sexual abuse is a traumatic event that affects negatively victims’ functionality and as a result the application of treatment interventions is necessary to address the unpleasant effects that causes. The aim of this article is to present four treatment programs that apply in child sexual abuse cases in order to offer support to the victims and their families and to mitigate the negative effects that this traumatic experience causes. More specifically, the following interventions are presented: Child Sexual Abuse Treatment Program, Sexual Trauma Treatment Program, Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive-Behavioral and Dynamic Play Therapy for children with sexual behavior problems and their caregivers. For every treatmentprogram, apart from its philosophy and its practices, data from empirical studies that investigate its effectiveness are presented


Perpetrator, Effects, Treatment programs, Victim, Child sexual abuse

Full Text: PDF (ελληνικά)

DOI: 10.26265/e-jst.v7i4.786


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The application for presenting electronic journals TEI developed within subproject 2 "electronic publishing service" the Act "Development Services Digital Library of TEI" and financed by the operational program "Digital Convergence", NSRF 2007-2013.