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TEI of Athens eJournals

A Distributed Audio Personalization Framework over Android

Emmanouil Skondras, Vasileios Triantafyllou


This paper presents an audio personalization framework for mobile devices. The multimedia models MPEG-21 and MPEG-7 are used to describe metadata information. The metadata which support personalization are stored into each device. The Web Ontology Language (OWL) language is used to produce and manipulate the relative ontological descriptions. The process is distributed according to the MapReduce framework and implemented over the Android platform. It determines a hierarchical system structure consisted of Master and Worker devices. The Master retrieves a list of audio tracks matching specific criteria using SPARQL queries


Android, MapReduce, MPEG-7, MPEG-21, OWL, SPARQL, Personalization, Distributed architectures

Full Text: PDF

DOI: 10.26265/e-jst.v6i4.706


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The application for presenting electronic journals TEI developed within subproject 2 "electronic publishing service" the Act "Development Services Digital Library of TEI" and financed by the operational program "Digital Convergence", NSRF 2007-2013.