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TEI of Athens eJournals

Modeling the flow of aqueous humor in posterior chamber

Ram Avtar, Swati Srivastava


A simple mathematical model for the aqueous flow in the posterior chamber (iris-lens channel) of the anterior segment of the eye is developed for an analysis of the aqueous humor fluid dynamics in the posterior chamber. The aqueous humor is treated as a viscous (Newtonian), incompressible, homogeneous, isotropic fluid with creeping flow. The iris-lens channel formed from the space between concentric spherical shell segments is modeled as a spherical disc-shaped region conforming to the lens curvature with a variable channel height. An analytical solution of the model is obtained. The computational results for pressure, fluid velocity and stress distributions are presented through graphs and the effects of model parameters on the velocity and stresses are illustrated and discussed.


Aqueous humor, iris-lens channel, posterior chamber

Full Text: PDF

DOI: 10.26265/e-jst.v10i4.3078


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