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Learner profiles and the process of Learning in the Higher Educational Context

Christos Skourlas, Petros Belsis


This paper presents a general review of methods for extracting, and using Learner profiles in Higher Education (HE) Informatics. Our research mainly examines the process of Learning in the Higher Educational Context. We review educational and technological aspects, and presents issues related to Technology Enhanced Learning, Personalization, and Adaptive Learning environments. Eventually, we examine different methods for extracting learners’ profiles encountered in the Greek HE context, and emphasize on issues concerning the design of accessible, adaptive, usable, web-based courses for disabled learners and learners with the cognitive disability of dyslexia.


Learner profile, Higher Education, Data and Information Management, Personalization, Disabled students, Dyslexic


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DOI: 10.18780/jiim.v2i1.3060


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